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White Knight Chronicles 2 de Febrero en Occidente

NotaPublicado: Sab Dic 05, 2009 3:37 pm
por DarkiMix
Level-5's epic PlayStation 3 RPG finally makes it to the states in February, filled with extras and re-branded as the White Knight Chronicles International Edition.

The International Edition of White Knight Chronicles contains all of the action-RPG gameplay of the original Japanese release, along with a slew of updates and downloadable content, all packaged together in one attractive package. You've got the promised voice chat function; 50 disc-based online quests to complete solo or with a group of three other players; an online village called The Georama, where you can invite friends to quest and buy unique items; and Live Talk, which is added side conversations that give your characters a little more depth, similar to what Namco Bandai does with the Tales of series.

The White Knight Chronicles International Edition will be released on February 2nd, 2010. My big-headed character will begin her adventure soon after.

Fuente: http://kotaku.com/5419106/white-knight- ... n-february

Bueno señores, confirmado entre febrero y marzo yo me arruino.

NotaPublicado: Sab Dic 05, 2009 4:16 pm
por Neipol
Hell Yeah voy a tener que hipotecarme para comprar todos los RPG de PS3 que van a salir a principios de 2010 T_T

PD: Cambia el título, que has puesto WKC 2 y es el 1 D:

NotaPublicado: Sab Dic 05, 2009 5:08 pm
por DarkiMix
Neipol escribió:Hell Yeah voy a tener que hipotecarme para comprar todos los RPG de PS3 que van a salir a principios de 2010 T_T

PD: Cambia el título, que has puesto WKC 2 y es el 1 D:

No, he puesto que sale el 2 de febrero, no que sea el 2.