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Re: Primeros detalles e imágenes de Dissidia Duodecim

NotaPublicado: Jue Sep 16, 2010 3:18 pm
por demyx cachorro
Ya tengo un motivo para cogerme a Lightning, lastima que no se le cambia a rubia, porque asi daria el pego, con mi querida Aya Brea. :cry:

Esto cada vez se pone mejor. :bravo:

Re: Primeros detalles e imágenes de Dissidia Duodecim

NotaPublicado: Jue Sep 16, 2010 6:15 pm
por kai15
E visto unas scans donde se ve a Terra y a Kain de Holy Dragoon.
Me parece que no las habeis puesto....
si las encuentro las pongo.

Esto lo e sacado de Gamespot.Si alguien es tan amable de traducirlo...

It looks like the battle continues in Dissidia 012 Duodecim: Final Fantasy, which was recently announced as a follow-up to last year's action role-playing game and fighting game hybrid Dissidia: Final Fantasy. Also for the PlayStation Portable, Duodecim looks to follow the same formula more or less from a gameplay standpoint, however a new assist feature has been added that allows you to summon an ally to help you in battle. At the 2010 Tokyo Game Show, Square Enix had a demo of the game on the show floor, so we got to play as the nimble and ever so moody protagonist from Final Fantasy XIII, Lightning. Also new to the game is Kain, the less nimble, but possibly just as moody dragoon from Final Fantasy IV.

We weren't given a ton of time with the game (or any instructions in English), so we quickly jumped into a round using Lightning to get a sense of how she plays. Like her role in Final Fantasy XIII, she is fast and weaves around the screen easily, leaving a trail of rose petals behind her. She has a ranged gun attack, which can be used with the circle button and the square button unleashes a devastating lightning attack that can end the battle rather quickly. Lightning can also use the paradigm shift feature in battle, which gives her the ability to swap between various roles on the fly.

While everyone has their own play style and preferences, we had more fun using the dragoon Kain. He was a bit slower than the acrobatic Lightning, but he had good range with his long spear and was able to cover a lot more ground by jabbing at the enemy. When you got a chance to toss someone in the air, the X button will appear so that if you hit it at the right time, you can get another attack in, and keep juggling your opponent. The square button charges up Kain's signature jump attack, where he vaults high into the air and comes crashing down straight onto the enemy. When he doesn't recover as quickly as we would like, by using the L and circle button to use the new assist feature, we can bring in what looks like a clone to help fight temporarily. It is a convenient feature when you want to take a step back.

It's called the FX mode here, but it's essentially the EX mode from the first game where once your gauge is full you can transform and execute new attacks. Kain ditches his dark armor and switches to a lighter blue armor and loses his helmet, which we've only ever seen once at the end of Final Fantasy IV. Like with the previous game, much of the appeal is really to see some of your favorite characters from past Final Fantasy games come out and fight with a new set of cool moves.

Along with the demo, we watched a new trailer of the game, which featured many of the characters you've seen before like Cecil, Onion Knight, Golbez, Zidane and Terra. More new faces are supposed to join the cast, and the last part of the trailer showed Sephiroth and Tifa, having what could be a heart to heart conversation (probably not). The entire trailer was in Japanese, so we can only guess as to what was going on. But it seems that the war between Chaos and Cosmos is not over.

Dissidia 012 Duodecim: Final Fantasy is set to be releaased in Japan in 2011.

Re: Primeros detalles e imágenes de Dissidia Duodecim

NotaPublicado: Jue Sep 16, 2010 6:40 pm
por xilio
esta rulando por ahí una imagen en la que salen 2 personajes nuevos de cada FF, os dejo la imagen, aunque creo que es Fake:


Edito: nuevas imagenes:










Re: Primeros detalles e imágenes de Dissidia Duodecim

NotaPublicado: Jue Sep 16, 2010 6:48 pm
por kai15
Esa imagen la vi yo hace mucho tiempo,así que supongo que es un fake.

Las scans:

Spoiler: Mostrar

Re: Primeros detalles e imágenes de Dissidia Duodecim

NotaPublicado: Jue Sep 16, 2010 7:17 pm
por Ichi
He aqui un video de la demo del 012

Al parecer no hay cambios notables en el gameplay

Estoy segurisimo de que esa es la habitacion en el lunatic pandora en la cual esta encerrada adel!

See Ya!!

Re: Primeros detalles e imágenes de Dissidia Duodecim

NotaPublicado: Jue Sep 16, 2010 7:53 pm
por Pavitsu
Segun Heartstation:

Dissidia duodecim reveals 3 new characters. Lightning from FFXIII, Cain Highwind from FFIV, and Tifa Lockheart from FFVII.
Fuente: http://heartstation.org/archives/2363 (final de la pagina, en "other gaming news")

Re: Primeros detalles e imágenes de Dissidia Duodecim

NotaPublicado: Jue Sep 16, 2010 10:17 pm
por kai15
Ya e leído en unas cuantas páginas que salen Tifa y Celes.

http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/605802-d ... y/56394237

Re: Primeros detalles e imágenes de Dissidia Duodecim

NotaPublicado: Jue Sep 16, 2010 11:23 pm
por hinmo
señores habeis visto que en dos imagenes salen cloud sephirot terra y kefka no es curioso ?

Re: Primeros detalles e imágenes de Dissidia Duodecim

NotaPublicado: Vie Sep 17, 2010 12:07 am
por Mentos
LIGHTNING I LOVE YOU D: Kain tiene buena pinta *¬* a este paso no sé cual escoger u.u

Al parecer hay combates 2vs2 :O pinta bien.

Lightning con traje de Aya, serás mío >: D

Re: Primeros detalles e imágenes de Dissidia Duodecim

NotaPublicado: Vie Sep 17, 2010 12:17 am
por Light
Dudo de que haya peleas 2 vs 2, seguramente sera como una invocacion como ayuda XD
como haya 2 vs 2 me da un telele xD (OJALA O_o)

Re: Primeros detalles e imágenes de Dissidia Duodecim

NotaPublicado: Vie Sep 17, 2010 2:03 am
por hinmo
si una invocacion es tu enemigo lo veo raro xq la batalla es cloud contra terra

Re: Primeros detalles e imágenes de Dissidia Duodecim

NotaPublicado: Vie Sep 17, 2010 4:02 am
por Jcmdsex
Gracias a la edición especial de la revista Famitsu previa al Tokyo Game Show, ahora sabemos nuevos detalles de la secuela de Dissidia Final Fantasy.

El juego contará con un sistema llamado Assist, el cual permitirá llamar a los aliados al campo de batalla. Al presionar Abajo+L y círculo, se vaciará la barra de asistencia un nivel y hará que el aliado haga un Brave Attack. Al presionar L+cuadrado, se vacía la barra dos niveles y hace que el aliado haga un HP Attack.

Fuente: http://www.atomix.vg/2010/09/tgs-2010-n ... l-fantasy/

Para eso sirven las dos barritas. Queda saber si esos ataques son predeterminados o personalizables.

Re: Primeros detalles e imágenes de Dissidia Duodecim

NotaPublicado: Vie Sep 17, 2010 6:49 pm
por kai15

Re: Primeros detalles e imágenes de Dissidia Duodecim

NotaPublicado: Vie Sep 17, 2010 8:28 pm
por Demyx
Fabuloso, el problema que tenía Dissidia era la manca de personajes, sobretodo de personajes femeninos. Esperemos que hayan más novedades que hagan que el juego no se repita tanto a la larga.

Re: Primeros detalles e imágenes de Dissidia Duodecim

NotaPublicado: Vie Sep 17, 2010 10:32 pm
por hinmo
bueno pues es una buena novedad tendra muchos ataques fisicos y pocos a distancia