[KHWorld V.4] // Frases célebres de Kingdom Hearts

KH Frases célebres (Quotes)

En español:


Pero todo cambió cuando llegaron los sincorazón : Aeris

Sora, no cambies nunca: Kairi

¡Contempla el abismo infinito! En él se encuentra el corazón de todos los mundos: ¡El reino de los
corazones! : Ansem

¿Ya te rindes? Venga, Sora , pensé que eras más fuerte: Riku

Es inútil. Para sellar la puerta de la oscuridad no basta con tu Llave-espada: Ansem

No te preocupes. Siempre habrá una puerta hacia la luz: Mickey

El corazon puede ser débil, y a veces puede ceder: Sora

(gracias a Dark_Lord_Sauron)

Saïx: Xemnas, ¿Kingdom Hearts está ya listo?
Xemnas: Queda poco.
Saïx: Entonces ¿puedo acabar con esta farsa?
Xemnas: Desde luego.
Saïx: ¡Qué ganas tenía de oir eso!

Xemnas: Necesito más rabia... necesito más corazones...
Sora: Xemnas. El corazón es algo más que la rabia o el odio. Está lleno de sentimientos. ¿No te acuerdas?
Xemnas: Por desgracia... yo no...

Sora, ¿Seguro que puedes confiar en Riku? - Xemnas

Riku, ¿Seguro que no tienes envidia de Sora? - Xemnas

¡Ríndete a la nada! Los corazones son el poder! La nada es... es eterna! - Xemnas

Xemnas: Si la luz y la oscuridad son eternas, sin duda los que no somos nada debemos ser igual de...¡eternos!
Riku: Tienes razón, la luz y la oscuridad son eternas. Aunque supongo que nada dura para siempre. Pero adivina qué, Xemnas...
Sora: ¡Eso no significa que seas eterno!
Xemnas: ¡Ja ja ja! No más eterno que ese resplandor vuestro.

Saborea la rabia y el odio. - Xemnas

Un mundo tuyo sería un imperio de la ignorancia - Ansem el Sabio

Riku: ¿Sabes? Siempre pensé que yo era mejor que tú en todo.
Sora: ¿En serio?
Riku: ¿Te molesta?
Sora: No... yo también he pensado siempre que tú eras mejor en todo.

Riku: En realidad te tenía envidia.
Sora: ¿En serio? ¿Por qué?
Riku: Porque quería ser como tú. Vivir siguiendo lo que me decía mi corazón.
Sora: Bueno, yo también he tenido mis porblemas.
Riku: ¿Cómo cuáles?
Sora: Como querer ser como tú.

Riku: Bueno, ser yo tiene sus ventajas. Tengo algo que ni tú puedes imitar.
Sora: ¿Ah, sí? ¿Y qué es eso?
Riku: Tenerte a ti como amigo.
Sora: Bueno... entonces estoy bien como soy. Porque yo también tengo algo que tú tampoco puedes imitar.

Riku: ¡Qué mundo más pequeño!
Sora: Es parte de uno mucho mayor.

Saïx: Se nos partiría el corazón si os pasara algo.
Donald: ¿Corazón? ¡Si no tenéis corazón!
Saïx: Cierto, no lo tenemos. Pero... recordamos que se sentía. Eso es lo que nos hace especiales.
Goofy: ¿Qué quieres decir?
Saïx: Sabemos muy bien cómo herir un corazón.

Era la prueba innegable de que os dimos pal pelo, pardillos - Seifer

Yuna: ¿Qué trama la pandilla de León?
Sora: Tienen cosas que hacer en el postigo del castillo.
Rikku: ¡Notición!
Paine: Vamos a informar.
Donald: ¿A quién?
Yuna: A nuestro líder, claro.
Rikku: Sí, ya sabes, Maléfi....
Paine: No le hagáis caso. Os lo aseguro... venimos en son de paz.
Yuna: Mentirosa...
Paine: ¿Algún problema? Bueno, vale, habla tú.

Yuna: ¿Dónde esté Maléfica?
Sora: Me parece que ha huído...
Rikku: Pues eso es bastante cutre por su parte.
Paine: Creo que nos hemos equivocado de bando.

Sora: Mmm... si queréis elegir bando, ¿por qué no os largáis con León? Siempre necesita ayuda.
Yuna: ¿Ese tal León tiene algún tesoro?
Donald: ¡Si, montones de cosas!
Rikku: ¡Perfecto!
Paine: Vamos.
Sora: ¿Quiénes sois?
Yuna: Nadie que merezca la pena.
Paine: Sólo tres fanáticas de los tesoros.
Rikku: ¡Nos vemos, chicos!
Sora: ¿De verdad tiene León un tesoro?
Donald: *risas*

Sephiroth: Cloud es quién ansía la oscuridad.
Sora: Dice que tenéis asuntos pendientes.
Sephiroth: Ya veo... quiere volver a verme. Pues le daré lo que quiere.

Demyx: ¡Eh, chicos, se os ve muy contentos!
Donald: ¡Date el piro!
Sora: ¿No estabas tú trapicheando en el Inframundo? ¿Cómo ha entrado un pardillo semejante en la Organización XIII?

Uughh... mira que les dije que no me liaran en este marrón... - Demyx

¡Sora! ¿Me echabas de menos? ¡Yuffie en acción! - Yuffie

Me llamo Axel. ¿Lo captas? - Axel

Sora: Déjame entrar en el reino de la oscuridad ¿vale?
Saïx: Si es Kairi lo que te preocupa, tranquilo, estamos cuidando muy bien de ella.
Sora: Llévame con ella.
Saïx: ¿Tan importante es para ti?
Sora: Sí. Más que nada.
Saïx: Demuéstrame cuánto te importa.
(Sora se arrodilla)
Sora: Te lo ruego...
Saïx: Así que te importa de verdad. En tal caso... la respuesta es no.
Sora: ¡Maldito...!
Saïx: ¿Estás enfadado? ¿Me odias? Toma esa rabia y dirígela hacia los sincorazón.

Pobres sincorazón, acumulando corazones sin sentido. Sin embargo, ni se imaginan el verdadero poder que albergan. La furia de la llave espada libera esos corazones... que se concentran en la oscuridad, sin dueño, libres.... hasta acabar formando el Reino de los Corazones, Kingdom Hearts. Y cuando llegue ese momento por fin podremos existir realmente. - Saix

Rikku: ¡León no tiene ningún tesoro!
Paine: Y eso que luchamos por vosotros...
Goofy: ¡Donald!
Donald: Bueno... tenía que decirles algo...

¡Es increíble! Nosotras pensábamos que nos íbamos a llevar un tesoro y luego nos dejan tiradas. ¡Deberíamos robarles sus cosas, a ver qué tal les sentaba! - Rikku

Yuna: Está decidido. Nos llevamos todos vuestros objetos.
Sora: ¡Me estás tomando el pelo!
Yuna: ¡Venga ya!
Rikku: ¡Esto apesta!
Paine: ¿No éramos amigos?

Bestia: ¡Tú! ¡Fuera de mis castillo!
Xaldin: Está bien. Pero la carga es excesiva. ¿Qué debería dejar aquí? ¿A Bella? ¿O la Rosa?

En inglés:

(gracias a IMDB.com)


Sora: I've been having these weird thoughts lately... like is any of this for real or not?

Kairi: So, suppose you get to another world. What would you do there?

Riku: Well, I haven't really thought about it. It's just... I've always wondered why we're here on this island. If there are any other worlds out there, why did we end up on this one? And suppose there are other worlds... then ours is just a little piece of something much greater. So we could have just as easily ended up somewhere else, right?

Sora: I don't know.

Riku: Exactly. That's why we need to go out there and find out. Just sitting here won't change a thing. It's the same old stuff. So let's go.

Ansem: This world has been connected. Tied to the darkness... soon to be completely eclipsed. There is so very much to learn. You understand so little.

Donald Duck: We've got a problem, Goofy! But don't tell anyone...

Goofy: (Ignoring Donald) Queen Minnie?

Donald Duck: Not even the queen.

Goofy: (Still ignoring Donald) Daisy?

Donald Duck: No, it's top secret!

Goofy: G'morning, ladies.

One who knows nothing can understand nothing.

Goofy: While we're in other worlds, we can't let on where we're from. We've gotta protect the world border.

Riku: Once we set through, we might not be able to come back. We may never see our parents again. There's no turning back. But this may be our only chance. We can't let fear stop us! I'm not afraid of the darkness!

Squall (Leon): Still hard to believe that you of all people are the chosen one. Well, I suppose beggars can't be choosers.

Sephiroth: I am the chosen one!

Captain Hook: What? So Wendy's not one of the chosen ones?

Riku: There are seven, supposedly, and Maleficent says she's not one of them. Hoist anchor as soon as possible. Leave all the dead weight behind, including her.

Captain Hook: After the trouble of capturing her? And why those seven? What is Maleficent planning, anyway?

Riku: Who knows? As long as it means getting Kairi's heart back, I couldn't care less.

Captain Hook: You're wasting your time! The Heartless have devoured that girl's heart. I'll stake me other hand it's lost forever.

Riku: I will find it no matter what.

[to Sora] Take care of her.

Sora: Kairi! Remember what you said before? I'm always with you too. I'll come back to you... I promise!

Kairi: I know you will!

Riku: Take care of her.

Ansem: Darkness conquers all worlds!

Sora: Gimme a break, Kairi.

Kairi: Sora, you lazy bum. I knew I'd find you snoozing down here.

Sora: No, no, this big black me swallowed me up, I couldn't breathe I couldn't- ow!

Have you been dreaming again?

Sora: It wasn't a dream. Or was it? I don't know.

Sora: So Kairi, what was it like in your home town, like where you grew up?

Sora: I would like to see it too, with any other worlds out there. I'd like to see 'em all.

Donald Duck: Hey, what do you mean "Junior Heroes"?

Ansem: Look at this tiny place. To the heart seeking freedom, this island is a prison, surrounded by water. And so, this boy sought to escape his prison, and he opened his heart to darkness.

Sora: Riku!

Ansem: Don't bother. Your voice can no longer reach him where he is. His heart belongs again to Darkness.

Aerith: Okay, you know there are many other worlds out there besides your castle and this town, right?

Aerith: They've been secret because they've never been connected. Until now. When the Heartless came, everything changed.

Aerith: He was studying the Heartless. He recorded all his findings in a very detailed report.

Maleficent: Enough. The Keyblade has chosen him. Will it be he who conquers the darkness? Or will the darkness swallow him? Either way, he could be quite useful...

Riku: A puppet that lost its heart to the heartless.

Cloud: I'm looking for someone. Hades promised to help. I tried to exploit the power of darkness, but it backfired. I fell into darkness, and I couldn't find the light.

Sora: Look, I got separated from my friends. Have you seen them?

Maleficent: Don't steep yourself in darkness too long. The Heartless consume the careless.

Maleficent: Beware the darkness in your heart. The Heartless prey upon it.
Riku: What? You'd rather fight me? Over a puppet that has no heart?

Sora: Heart or no heart, at least he still has a conscience.


Sora: You might not hear it, but right now it's loud and clear. And it's telling me you're on the wrong side!

Maleficent: There are seven maidens of the purest heart. We call them the princesses of heart. Gather them together, and a door will open to the heart of all worlds. Within lies untold wisdom.

Ansem: It is futile. The Keyblade alone cannot seal the door to darkness. Kingdom Hearts! Fill me... with the power of darkness...

Ansem: Supreme darkness...

Sora: You're wrong. I know now, without a doubt. Kingdom Hearts... is LIGHT!

Ansem: Behold the endless abyss! Within lies the heart of all worlds: Kingdom Hearts! Look as hard as you are able; you'll not find even the smallest glimmer of light. From those dark depths are all hearts born... even yours.
Sora: Hey wait... What happened to my home - my island? Riku! Kairi...

Riku: You wanted one, didn't you?

Sora: A paopu fruit...

Riku: If two people share one, their destinies become intertwined. They'll remain a part of each other's lives no matter what. C'mon, I know you want to try it.

Sora: What are you talking...

Ansem: All worlds begin in darkness, and all so end. The heart is no different. Darkness sprouts within it, grows, consumes it. Such is its nature. In the end, every heart returns to the darkness whence it came. You see, darkness is the heart's true essence.

Sora: That's not true! The heart may be weak, and sometimes it may even give in. But I've learned that deep down, there's a light that never goes out!

Ansem: So, you have come this far and still you understand nothing. Every light must fade, every heart return to darkness!
Winnie The Pooh: Think, think, think, think.
Sora: What are you thinking about this time?

Winnie The Pooh: I'm thinking about what to think about.

Do you need some help?

Riku: Yes, a keyblade. But unlike yours, mine holds the power to unlock peoples' hearts. Allow me to demonstrate... behold!

Riku: Now, open your heart! Surrender it to the darkness! Become darkness itself!

Maleficent: This is it... ha ha! This power. Darkness. The true darkness!

Riku: So, I shall release you now, Princess. Complete the keyhole with your power! Open the door, lead me into everlasting darkness!

Sora: Forget it! There's no way you're taking Kairi's heart!

Cloud: As long as you continue to exist. I cannot awake from my nightmare. You are my darkness

Sephiroth: The turn towars that Darkness. Eternally refus the light to the nightmare of no awakening!

Squall (Leon): And they'll keep coming after you, As long as you continue to wield that keyblade. But why?, Why would it choose a kid like you?

Squall: Still... It Looks like things are worse than we tought, A lot worse
Kairi: Don't ever forget: wherever you go, I'm always with you.


Riku: Tell Me! Where are my friends from my memories?

DiZ: Are you sure you want to see them?

DiZ: But you cast them aside. To reach the outside world, you passed through the door to darkness. Behind you, you left family, friends, home - everything - all in pursuit of darkness.

Larxene: Everything's an experiment to you, Vexie.

Vexen: I am a scientist. Experimentation is what I do.

Riku: What are you making me choose now?

DiZ: Will you take the road to light- or the road to darkness?

Riku: Neither. I'm taking the middle road.

DiZ: You mean the twilight road to nightfall?

Riku: No... The road to dawn.

Zexion: if you don't believe me...

Zexion: ... you had best see the truth for yourself.

Riku: Of all the people I could run into, it had to be you...

Maleficent: Who else? Your heart is steeped in darkness. You can only see people who exist in that same darkness - people like me.

Riku: No.

Riku: That's sounding pretty good right about now.

Riku: There was a time I did want you around. I surrendered my heart to the dark. But never again. You and your darkness have nothing to offer. All I did was lose myself... Empty myself! I'm finished with all that. If I'm stuck seeing people like you, people of the dark... I'll take you out one by one.

Maleficent: Then don't forget to take yourself out last. Because you, like me, are one of the dark.

Riku: That's fine with me. I turned to darkness because my heart was weak. I hate that weakness. It's like I'm my own enemy. And seeing people like you embrace the darkness just makes it worse! Enough talk, Maleficent.

Riku: Sora always did as he pleased. It doesn't matter what we were doing - he'd still go off and leave me with all the work. Take the raft we were gonna use to leave the islands. That was all me. I've made up my mind. When this slacker wakes up, I'm gonna tell him off good. I told him to take care of Kairi, and here he is taking a nap! But I can't chew him out if I've been sleeping, too. Keep your lock. I'd rather just finish Ansem off once and for all.

Namine: But if the darkness he wields gets the better of you...

Namine: I didn't know. I hoped. I want you to face the darkness, because you're the one who can.

Riku: So that's why you came to me in the light.

Sora: What are YOU doing here?

Riku: Don't sound so happy to see me, Sora. Let me know if I'm getting in the way of something more important.

Sora: No, of course not! I only meant...

Spare me. I bet you'd all but forgotten about me.

Sora: Are you crazy? I came all this way because I was LOOKING for YOU!

Riku: But not anymore, right? Now it's Naminé this, Naminé that. You don't care about me any more than you care about how Naminé feels.

Sora: What's that supposed to mean?

Riku: Never even gave it a thought, did you? Just 'cause you want to see Naminé doesn't mean it goes both ways.

Riku: I never thought I'd miss the island winds so much... Funny - there was a time I couldn't wait to get off this rock. And now I'm acting all relieved.

Sora: What a weird place! Everything's kinda springy and soft.
Goofy Goof: Nice and warm, too. I'm startin' to feel like a nap.

Hades: Oh, he's perfect, all right. PERFECTLY INFURIATING! Just thinking about that little sunspot makes me boil! Grraah! I'd like to send him to the Underworld... permanently!

Cloud Strife: Which is why you hired me.

Hades: That's right. You're my man... Cloud. Your job is to beat Hercules in the games. And once you've got him cornered... finish the job. Do that for me, and...

Cloud Strife: You restore my lost memories. As we agreed.
Hades: You have my word.
Axel: Listen, Sora. We've got more in common than you think. I'd rather not fight you... but I do have a reputation to think of!

Axel: My name is Axel. Commit it to memory.


Saïx: Why... Kingdom Hearts... where is my heart?

Axel: I wanted to see Roxas. He was the only one I liked. He made me feel like I had a heart.

Xemnas: Ansem the Wise... you look pathetic.

Sephiroth: So, that's a Keyblade, and you must be it's chosen weilder

Sora: So what if I am?

Sephiroth: I wonder if it won't change it's mind, once I defeat you!

Sora: Riku, you've been hanging out in the darkness too long. You gotta try to think positive.

Xemnas: Anger and hate are supreme.

Roxas: Sora. You're lucky. Looks like my summer vacation is... over.

Saïx: Pitiful Heartless, mindlessly collecting hearts. And yet they know not the true power of what they hold. The rage of the Keyblade releases those hearts. They gather in darkness, masterless and free... until they weave together to make Kingdom Hearts. And when that time comes, we can truly, finally exist!

Xemnas: You have arrived. I've been to see him... he looks a lot like you.

Roxas: Who are you?

Xemnas: I'm what's left or... maybe I'm all there ever was.

Roxas: I meant your name.

Xemnas: My name is of no importance. What about you? Do you remember your true name?

Roxas: My true name... is...

Saïx: may not have a heart, but I know very well how to injure one.

Demyx: 'If the subject fails to respond... use agression to liberate his true disposition.'

Demyx: ...Right.

Demyx: Did they ever pick the wrong guy for this one...

Xigbar: Geeze Roxas... you've really put Organization XIII in a pickle.

Sora: you're... fading away?

Axel: Well... that's what happens when you put your entire being into an attack. not that nobodies actually HAVE beings, right?

Axel: My heart just wouldn't be in it, you know? haven't got one.

Axel: Let's meet again, in the next life.

Roxas: Yeah, I'll be waiting.

Axel: Silly. Just because you have a next life.

Seifer Almasy: Hey, Chicken Wuss.

Axel: You and I both miss someone we care about.

Oh, it's no use.

Auron: This is my story. You're not part of it.

Sora: I bet you're just trying to psyche me out by saying really random stuff.

Xigbar: Gee... I just don't know.

Xigbar: Be a good boy now!

Squall Leonhart:
Think you can handle this many?

Cloud: Well... Might be tough if one more shows up.

Squall Leonhart: Hm. Then that'll have to be the one *I* take care of.

Cloud: What, you're fighting too?

Kairi: Thinking of you, wherever you are. We pray for our sorrows to end, and hope that our hearts will blend. Now I will step forward to realize this wish. And who knows: starting a new journey may not be so hard, or maybe it has already begun. There are many worlds, and they share the same sky - one sky, one destiny.

Roxas: No one would miss me.

Axel: That's not true.

Axel: I would.

Axel: Whew. I think I liked it better when these things were on my side.

Sora: Feeling a little regret?

Axel: Nah, I can handle these punks. Watch this!

Whew. I think I liked it better when these things were on my side.

Sora: Feeling a little regret?

Axel: Nah, I can handle these punks. Watch this!

Riku: If the world is made of light and darkness... We'll be the darkness.

Riku: What I said back there... about thinking I was better at stuff than you... To tell you the truth, Sora... I was jealous of you.

Sora: What for?

Riku: I wished I could live life the way you do. Just following my heart.

Sora: Yeah, well, I've got my share of problems, too.

Riku: Like what?

Sora: Like... wanting to be like you.

Riku: Well, there is one advantage to being me... Something you could never imitate.

Sora: Really? What's that?

Riku: Having you for a friend.

Sora: Then I guess... I'm okay the way I am. I've got something you could never imitate too.

Sora: We're back!

You're home.

Riku: How am I going to face everyone?

Sora: Like this...

Xemnas: Hear me, Kingdom Hearts! It seems we must begin anew. Ah, but know this: I will give to you as many hearts as it takes. Mark my words! You can no more be complete without me than I without you. Heed me, Kingdom Hearts! Lend me your power, so that we may be complete! The power to erase the fools that hinder us.

Xemnas: You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark - never given a choice?

Riku: That's simple. It's because you mess up our worlds.

Xemnas: That may be... however, what other choice might we have had?

Sora: Just give it a rest! You're Nobodies! You don't even exist! You're not sad about anything!

Xemnas: Very good. You don't miss a thing. I cannot feel... sorrow... No matter what misery befalls the worlds. No matter what you think, what you feel, or how you exist.

Sora: Riku! It's Riku. Riku's here... I looked for you!

Riku: C'mon, Sora. You've got to pull it together...
Sora: I looked everywhere for you!

Riku: ...I didn't want you to find me.

Axel: Look at what it's come to. I've been given all these icky orders to destroy you- if you refuse to come back with me.

We're... best friends, right?

Axel: Sure... but I'm not getting turned into a dusk for...

Axel: Wait a sec! You remember now?

Y... eah.

Great! But you know, gotta make sure and all.

So umm... What's our boss's name?


Can't believe this.

Axel: We've got something in common, Kairi. You and I both miss someone we care about.
Axel: Hey... I feel like we're friends already.

You're not acting very friendly!

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One Sky, One Destiny (arriba)